We Use A Stringent & Strict Process To Deliver Quality & Before Deadline Delivery.... Within A Period Of 4+ Years, EduSquadz Technology Pvt Ltd. Has Evolved As One Of The Top Web & Mobile Application Developing Companies.

Project Initiation Process?

6 Points to be remebered during project closure.


Idea or a App Vision

Great Imagination or Idea Leads to a Great App Implementation.



To create a successful mobile app, you need to identify or be clear about some factors.


App Designing

Designing your app is yet another significant factor responsible for success of an app in the market.


Identify Approach

Selecting the right approach for developing an app is highly important. Ideally, app development approach.


Testing Application

Testing is the first opportunity to get feedback from your target customers and enhance visibility.


Release/ Deploy the app

Deploying an app requires plan, schedule and control of the movement of releases to test and live environments.

Methodology & Architecture

edusquadz Software Pvt. Ltd. Hardcore Quality & Creativity driven Architecture distinguishes it from other Applicaption Design & Development Firms & embarks Organizations role in IT Industry.


Architecture comprises of Hard Core Strategy Making with Dedicated Focus on Quality & Delivery. It is developed to follow entire Application Design & Development Life Cycle to enclose all Processes from Strategy Designing to Application Launch & Application Marketing & Promotions.


Incoming App Projects are first handled over to Our Expert IT Business Analysts & Project Managers for Initial Analysis. The Project Manager first discusses project with client to extract out client requirements, app project scope, risk definition & eliminating factors with the app project time frame & budget parameters, etc. In order to allocate the app project to most qualified & compatible team.


After Initial Client-Manager discusiion & analysis of app project, project manager & business analyst thoroughly assess the entire app vision & strategy for extracting functional specifications, use cases, long time scope, etc.


Project Methodology comprises of several client interaction & analysis phases in order to maximize performance, project implementation & clients control flow over different aspects of app project in order to minimize app project risks & errors..

Important Questions You Need to Answer Before Building a Mobile App.

  What are your motivations for building this app?

What is motivating you or driving the development of this app? Money and fame are great, but they won’t be enough. You need to have a passion and a clear vision as to what your app will accomplish and the problem it will solve for the target customer. And that passion needs to be strong enough to endure the ups and downs of product development and the challenges of building a company.

  When you share your idea with others, does anyone want a piece of the action?

As you begin sharing and explaining your awesome new app idea, does anyone want to join you as a co-founder? Will they invest their money, their time, their talent and/or their connections to help you? If people are willing to work for a low wage in exchange for equity in your company, it’s a sign that they really believe in the quality of your idea.

  Does talking about your app create buzz, curiosity, or generate feedback?

your idea fit on a post-it? What’s your 15-second elevator pitch? You have to be able to tell people your idea in one simple line, explaining what you hope to achieve. You’re on to something if it stimulates lots of buzz and curiosity. If you can’t sell your idea and get people excited in person, it will be even harder to do so online. And avoid being defensive when you get feedback — listening to and evaluating the positives and negatives you hear could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars by helping you refine ideas and product features.

  Do you have the money to build the app? (Don’t forget iterations and marketing)

You might think you can develop the next best app for under $10,000. And there are developers who will take your low budget — but you will get what you pay for. To build a great product, you could spend more like $250,000. Getting to a minimum viable product might cost you $100,000, and then you’ll probably also need a marketing budget to help people discover your app and a budget for iterations. If you don’t have that kind of money lying around, you’ll need to find investors. Hone your presentation skills and showcase your ideas to potential investors (friends and family, angels, VCs) in ways that make them excited.

  What’s so special about your app?

Between Apple’s App Store, Google Play, Windows and the web, there are millions of apps. In a flooded market, what’s going to make your app stand out? You need to have a clear idea of your differentiators, how the user experience will feel, and geographically what your target market will be. These will act as your compass when development offers various product directions.

  How will you make it all happen?

Do you have a team to develop and engineer the app for you? What will your design look like? What is your monetization strategy? How will you conduct user testing? How will you market your app at launch and beyond? How will you handle customer support? What analytics will you use to determine the second version? If all of this seems like a lot of work, you’re right — it is. Luckily for entrepreneurs like yourself, many resources are available to help you with every aspect of building a business around a mobile app. But skimping on any of these areas is a quick way for your app to become ignored and irrelevant.

Have an awesome idea? Let's discuss the project!

Edusquadz Experts Are Known For Creating Apps That Help Businesses In Multiplying Short Term Profits And Long Term Growth Prospects.

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