The design methodology being used at edusquadz is commonly referred to as ‘Design Thinking’ which is a creative problem solving and implementation strategy which uses designs as a tool for the same. It is being used by many business firms for increasing their business value and client engagement. We utilise the practice of co-designing in our approach to involve clients to become active participants in the creative development of the application by bringing to them wireframes and mock designs which enable them to give them their inputs and see the creative functionality of an application before it is even physically developed. We develop these wireframes on applications like Balsamic, Envision, Photoshop , etc.

Design & UI/UX Experience

Although Design is most often used to describe an object or end result, Design in its most effective form is a process, an action, a verb not a noun. A protocol for solving problems and discovering new opportunities. Techniques and tools differ and their effectiveness are arguable but the core of the process stays the same. It's taken years of slogging through Design high style to bring us full circle to the simple truth about design thinking. That it is a most powerful tool and when used effectively, can be the foundation for driving a brand or business forward.

UI/UX design can be the difference between user delight, and user dismay. That's why we have a team of experienced mobile designers that are seriously serious about pixels. Behind every great mobile app, there's a story about great design. How does it feel? How do actual humans interact with it? What hooks them? At Edusquadz Software Pvt Ltd., our design-creatives, build-feels approach directs everything we do. Most mobile shops talk about great engineering and pleasing design — but few actually deliver. Edusquadz Software Pvt Ltd. is at the top of a very short list of companies that do both Well. And we should be at the top of your list for app design & mobile development support.


Our Project Design Cycle is broken up into several client-convenient phases that maximise performance, project implementation and the clients control over various aspects of development while minimising project risks and errors. Our client convenient phases run as follows:

We perform extensive testing throughout the entire development lifecycle and strive to continually decrease any non-conformance in software, apps and websites using product reports as monitored at each management review. Some of our most reliable QA services at each phase of design and development include:

Up To Date Design Synopsis

At Edusquadz, the design of an application is considered to be the most effective tool in coordinating with the client’s ideas and demands. It acts as a problem solving tool and helps the creator and client discover new opportunities. The tools used may differ but the core ideology of designing remains the same throughoutinspiration, ideation and finally prototyping followed by implementation. After about 12+ years of experience and developing a number of applications, we have realised the significance and comfort correct, intuitive and engaging designs bring to us and our clients. The design decides the make or break of an application and while designing an app various factors like how would it feel to the user, what hooks them onto the apps, why would they return to the app , etc. make their way to any designer’s mind. We make sure to design creatively keeping in consideration all these and various other pointers to constantly keep correcting and out doing ourselves. Most application development companies talk about great engineering and pleasing designs — but few actually deliver. Edusquadz Software Pvt Ltd. is at the top of a very short list of companies that do both well.

  Discovery of App Vision

  User Interface Design

  App Prototyping

  Visual Design & Marketing

  Database Scheme Design

  Graphic Design

  Web Development

  Testing & Control

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